New Habits, New Routines...


So, I read a whole book, actually two whole books since January 1st. But I read a whole book in 8 days. I know for a lot of people this isn’t a big accomplishment, but I’ve learned to celebrate my wins, regardless of how big or small.

At the start of 2021, without much thought at all, I set a couple goals for myself in the new year. I already established a daily workout routine, and told myself I would get back to my “normal diet” of eating less or no Gluten & Dairy… so when I told myself, One book, per month, for a total of 12 books total, Ryan looked at me like I had grown a second head. No booklist, no one to hold me accountable and no plan on how I was going to accomplish this, just a dream.

Little back story on me… I hate reading. Yup. Not a fan. I could probably count on two hands the number of books that I’ve sat down and read in their entirety. {Most of which being the Harry Potter series.} I have a half-read graveyard in my office of all the books I started but didn’t have the attention span to actually finish.

I started trying to read a chapter here and there, but it wasn’t a consistent habit, so I would lost interest. But in my daily consumption of podcasts, I listened to one about how to train yourself to be a “morning person”. Spoiler, there is not magic solution, JUST TO DO IT. Get up. Set an alarm and force yourself out of bed. Find something to look forward to, and do it. Around Christmas time, I bought an echo dot alarm clock, with a hope to be better at waking up, so now I just tell Alexa to wake me up to Norah Jones Radio, which is surprisingly a very pleasant way to wake up. That first morning was surprisingly easy… I didn’t focus on all the quality cozy time I was missing out on, or focusing on how comfortable my bed is, instead I looked forward to 30-45 min of childfree quiet time that I could enjoy, while I sip my coffee and start my day off in peace. This past year I’ve learned that I’m a fairly weird person… I mean, I’ve ALWAYS known I was weird, but in terms of motivation, I’m weird. When it comes to creating habits, I either need to do them EVERY DAY, or not at all, because if I don’t do it every day, I get lazy and tell myself it’s okay to “take a day off”. And just like that my routine is shot.

I listened to the podcast on February 12th, that night I set my alarm, and within two weeks I had finished the book I started in January & then I read an entire book in 8 days. EIGHT. DAYS. Couldn’t tell you the last time I did that, actually, I couldn’t tell you if I’ve EVERY done that, but now, being a mom of three, this is not something I made time for in the past. Now I’m mapping out my next book for the month of March, because this weird sense of accomplishment is slightly addicting.

The instruction manual for deep change is the same every single day. Show up. Show up. Show up.
— Hannah Brencher -Fighting Forward

It can be hard to look at yourself and figure out what habits are good and which habits you should drop, or :gasp: where you can add new healthy habits. I don’t know how to get you in that mental headspace, because everyone is different. You have to want it for yourself & you have to find something to look forward to. For me, the quiet time was a HUGE motivator, and a hot cup of coffee, the nuggets of wisdom from the books is just bonus!

Books I’ve read so far: The Joy of Missing Out by Tonya Dalton
Fighting Forward by Hannah Brencher

My Current Podcast Line-up

Within the past two years, I’ve been falling more and more in love with Podcasts. There is seriously something for everyone, and I adore that. The common trend with women of my age, are crime junkie podcasts, but I’m going to be real with you… letting that type of evil into my brain is not good for me on so many levels. I notice how depressive it can be for my spirit, so I try to avoid anything that is going to exacerbate my anxiety and stress levels. That being said, most of the podcasts I listen to tend to deal with “self help” or my faith as a Catholic Christian, but there are a couple that are just because I have a weird sense of humor and like the Office.

Minimalism & Clutter Control:

My First & maybe my favorite podcast that I BINGE when I need a real kick in the pants to get to cleaning and decluttering my house, is A SLOB COMES CLEAN with Dana K. White. She is an author and mom, who gives your realistic goals for cleaning for people who really hate cleaning. Some of her concepts were already things I was doing on a weekly basis, but listening to her podcasts really gave me a lot of Lightbulb moments when I realized that you can’t organize anything until you CLEAR OUT THE CLUTTER, otherwise you are just “Stuff shifting” and that doesn’t solve anything. Hello! Her voice is so soothing, and its easily something I can listen to while I make dinner or :gasp: clean and organize my house.

Next up. THE COZY MINIMALIST, MINIMALIST MOM’S PODCAST, WITH INTENTION & WANNABE MINIMALIST. These four are great, but I’m not as quick to click on them because I have so many new podcasts that I’ve been listening to lately, and not a ton of time. But they are good and have a lot of great content. I started focusing on Minimalism a couple years ago when I realized that living with less was a really good idea as we were fighting hard to pay down debts and manage the stuff that was already in our house.

The Cozy Minimalist is great if you don’t have a lot of time and just want short bursts of inspiration. (Her earlier episodes are better) Recently, it feels like she is having trouble distinguishing herself and letting the negative comments get her down.

Minimalist Moms Podcast is great because she talks to a lot of other moms who are dealing with the day to day life of managing kids and a house in addition to working, etc. You get to hear what works and doesn’t work for them. I love to weed through and see what things I can try to implement in my own life, and then go from there.

With Intention Podcast, recently changed to this name, but she focuses on living with intention and will talk about a lot of minimalist ideals. Lots of great ideas to slow down and enjoy the inbetween.

Wannabe Minimalist is also great because it just hammers home this idea of getting away from the consumer mindset and how to look at your house with fresh eyes to pair down on things you don’t use or need.

Life & Self Help

The Chalene Show is my current favorite podcast. She talks all about living with ADD & ADHD and all the ways you can uplevel your life, break bad habits, start new routines, etc. She’s so smart and funny and gets right to the point. A lot of her content is science based, and I’m currently working through her Decluttering series from the beginning of this year. SO MUCH GOOD INFO.

Fresh Exchange is by a Michigan mama, who lives very simply and talks about enjoy the season she is in. She is also talking ALL about gardening and her process behind how she plants and learns in nature. It’s a breath of fresh air from the constant RUSH RUSH RUSH mindset of so many, and I adore seeing the beauty of Michigan through her eyes.

The Mary Marantz Show is solid gold. All of her episodes are amazing and will make you feel like you can take on anything you set your mind to. Mary is an AMAZING interviewer and doesn’t ask superficial questions, but really digs deep and gets to the nitty gritty stuff. And Mary is a wonderful human being in real life as well.

Modern Manners for Moms & Dads is a new one for me that I’ve been really digging through. I heard these ladies on another podcast and was so intrigued by their stance on parenting. It has really made me take a step back and reevaluate myself and my approach to how I react to situations as a mom.

The Purpose Show with Allie Casazza is great for moms who feel like they are stuck in the trap of “Suffering through motherhood”. It helps you realize that in order for us to be our best version of ourselves, as women and mothers, we need to take better care of our mental and physical health first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Spiritual Health

Being a Catholic Christian is a big part of my life. It shapes not just how I spend my weekend, but also how I view the world and all aspects of my life. My three favorite podcasts are ironically by the same person.

UMD Newman Catholic Campus- Father Mike Schmitz. He is a priest/campus chaplain at the University of Minnesota Duluth, and before the pandemic, I would listen to his weekly homily on his podcast because it would always dive SO MUCH deeper into the readings than what my own local priest would do during mass. When all the churches closed in March 2020, he took to Youtube and offered weekly mass for his “virtual front pew” as he called us.

The Bible in a Year- In addition to his homilies, he also has a new one that started on January 1st, 2021 and it comes out every morning and Fr. Mike is reading through the entire Bible. There is a whole reading plan based on Jeff Cavin’s study of the Great Adventure Timeline, that addressed the story of Salvation and how we fit into that story. It’s amazing and I have listened every single morning since Jan 1. I make sure that my brain is fully listening and comprehending what I’m hearing, so I do it while I get ready in the morning alone in the bathroom.

Fr. Mike Schmitz is basically the audio from his youtube channel for Ask Father Mike. Where he will address questions or subjects that people ask him about from a Catholic perspective.

Comic Relief/ Favorite TV Shows

Fake Doctors, Real Friends is a hilarious podcast that is basically Zach Braff & Donald Faison shooting the ish, talking about current events, and occasionally they talk about their old Tv Show SCRUBS. (Which I loved that show in high school/college and owned all the seasons on DVD) yeah, i’m old(er). They are definitely vulgar and talk about a lot of really bizarre things, but I listen when I just need to take my mind off of the crazy and have a good laugh.

The Office Deep Dive with Brian Baumgartner is a new one, but it’s the actor who played Kevin from the Office, talking to all his old castmates about their time on The Office. It’s just fun and mindless to listen to, and I’m enjoying so far.

Office Ladies with Jenna Fischer & Angela Kinsey is great and they really break down every episode. It’s so fun to hear these ladies talk about the show and what was going on behind the scenes as they filmed all of this. Talking about what was improvised and who wrote what lines. No Joke, The Office is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show, and before Netflix took it off, Ryan and I would watch it almost every night.

Okay Folks, That’s it. That’s my current lineup on podcasts. If you have any that you think I might like, leave me a comment below, because I’m always looking for new things to listen to!! Thanks friends and I hope this was helpful!

Valentine's Play-Doh Printable


Okay, it’s that time of year again. Valentines day is this weekend, and if you needed something easy to make for your kids or friend’s kid’s here is something quick you can do for less than $10.


  • Scissors

  • Printer & sheet of 8.5x5.5 mailing label

  • Party Bag of Play-doh (come with 15 tubs)

Save this file below and simply print it. It’s been designed for an 8.5x11 sheet of paper, so do not scale it, then just cut out the circle, peel off the back and stick to the lid. <3 Happy Valentines Day!

a-doh-able printable.jpg

Super Greens- Because Why Not?

DISCLAIMER: I am not a dietician or medical professional, just someone who is passionately curious about making healthier choices for myself and my family. Please do your own research and make decisions based off your personal health.

A common stereotype I get from acquaintances or doctors is that I eat a lot of salads and greens. I even had one doctor tell me “You don’t take me as the burger and french fries type of girl…” and I usually just smile and agree, but the truth is… talk to me about 6-7 years ago and all I wanted was Pizza Hut, KFC, McDonalds, Wendy’s… you name it. I was thin, but UNHEALTHY. Then I had a baby and my gallbladder removed in the same year and my digestive health took a HIT. (read my post from Jan 7th)


I’m currently two weeks in to cutting gluten and dairy from my daily diet, and I’m feeling so good. And before you say “but I could never give up cheese, or ice cream, or bread….” believe me, this choice is not for everyone. It isn’t a “DIET” for me to lose weight, it is merely a choice because I’ve come to learn that my body just operates at peak performance when I eliminate those things. Okay, I could go on and on about why this helps me, but today I wanted to talk about the new thing I’ve added to my daily nutrition.

Super Greens. After some research and coming to the realization that GF/DF is what needs to happen again, I realized that my diet is SERIOUSLY lacking from leafy greens and other vegetables. Truthfully. I hate vegetables. I used to say “lettuce belongs in a salad, not on my sandwich”. Yes, I know I’m still a child.

Leafy green vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet. They're packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber but low in calories. Eating a diet rich in leafy greens can offer numerous health benefits including reduced risk of obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and mental decline. Because of their highly concentrated nutrient profile, supergreens are believed to help boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, detoxify the body, and promote healthy digestion. Some studies have indicated that supergreens may help regulate cholesterol as well as reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

Sounds good right? To Clarify: THIS IS NOT BEING ADDED TO LOSE WEIGHT. Purely to help me be a healthier human being. The nutrients and plant compounds in greens powders may support overall wellness when used in combination with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

About two weeks ago, I put up a question box on my instagram stories looking for recommendations for Super Greens based on what people have used and liked, and these we the top. A lot of repeat answers for these. After talking it over with Ryan, comparing prices and ingredients, we ordered one of these. I’m not ready just yet to give you my full review on it, because I don't feel like I’ve been taking it long enough to give an opinion. But from what I can gather, the more natural and pure these are the better. You don’t want something that puts a lot of Additives in there, or filler grass.

I’ve been adding mine to my smoothie bowls along with a Pre & probiotic. (recipes for those coming soon). I hope this helps, and if you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a comment!